What defines you? Is it your hair color? “I’m blonde so I must be ditzy” “I’m a redhead so I am short tempered.” Is it your gender? “I’m female so I’m supposed to enjoy cooking.” “I’m male so I must know a lot about vehicles.” Is it your education? “I have a PHD so I know everything.” “I dropped out of high school, so I know nothing and cannot be successful.” …. These all sound crazy don’t they.
Try these one on for size:
“I don’t have a partner so I am not loveable.”
“I have a chronic illness, so I cannot be happy.”
“I was abused, so I cannot have a healthy relationship.”
Are any of those true? Or just as crazy as saying your hair color determines your attitude?
You are not defined by the way you look.
You are not defined by the things that happen to you.
Yes, there are defining moments in your life. The moments that create a line in the sand of your life. Before/after I moved into this house, before/after I met this person, before/after I received this diagnosis, before/after I had this job. They are just hash marks on your timeline; you do not become the thing that has happened to you.
You grow through what you go through. Stop allowing your growth to be hindered by the events of your life. Push into the after. Grow into the better version of yourself that this event was designed to create in your life. Learn what you have to learn and move through the hardship. You do not have to live in it, you live through it.
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