I have always been a proponent of using a multitude of modalities to find true wellness. As you are a multifaceted human being, you need many different techniques to stay well. Just like your nutrition is not balanced without consuming a wide variety of foods, you cannot be well in your body, mind, and soul, without a wide variety of modalities. Essential oils are one of the modalities I turn to often. I love having them in my diffusers (I currently have four diffusers in my home), use them in skin care remedies (like sunburn relief), or for inflammation from an injury.
EO's are also the only "pretty smells" allowed in my home. I do not use anything in my home with the word "fragrance" listed on the ingredient label. Did you know "fragrance" is a blanket term for many different chemicals in products? "Fragrance" is not regulated by the FDA so it becomes a default place to hide chemicals you wouldn't otherwise want in a product you use daily (like BPA, a known contributor to cancer). I admittedly am not living a perfectly "clean" lifestyle, but I do try to avoid as many chemicals in my products as possible. However, I do still appreciate a home and laundry that have a fresh or seasonal scent.
There are a few things you need to be aware of before beginning to use essential oils in any way.
As always, I ask that you do your own research and you never consume a supplement of any kind without making sure it is safe for YOU. Essential oils are best used as a preventative and maintenance treatment, rather than for crisis management, however, they can be a great supplement to a more robust treatment plan in crisis. A couple of notes:
I do appreciate Rocky Mountain Oils, as well as Aura Cacia. If you choose to support an MLM, Young Living and DoTerra are popular options.
As with herbs and supplements, there are a million different essential oils a person could use and about as many ways to use them! Today we’ll just touch on a few that are great for stress. In this conversation, we are talking about using them as aromatherapy. So either in a diffuser or being able to smell them in some way (sprayed on your pillow, a drop on a necklace or bracelet, on your dryer balls etc). This post will not address dilution ratios or recipes for using on/in the body.
Again, there are so many different oils out there! If you want to get started with some and ease into your EO collection, I highly suggest lavender, peppermint, and a citrus oil of some kind. They are the most versatile and pleasing to most people. Experiment with different combinations in your diffuser, explore the many different recipes available, and remember to always use them safely.
If you are ready to embrace a more holistic approach, let's talk about how we can work together to address wellness in your body, mind, and soul. Hop on a call with me and let's explore your options!
Source: The Aromatherapy Bible by Gill Farrer-Halls
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