
Perspective is key. You can choose to see the glass half-full or half-empty. You can choose to see a loss as a failure or as a lesson. You can choose to see a dream as impossible, or a challenge to be overcome. You can choose to see someone as selfish, or someone who is hurting. You can choose to see someone as addicted or someone who needs support. You can choose to see just another rock, or you can see the pride in your child’s eyes as they hand over their prized possession. You can choose to see a rundown shack, or you can see a family’s legacy. You can choose to see another stick in the yard, or your dog's favorite toy. Do you see? Everything is about perspective.  

Often we find ourselves caught in a loop of negativity, despair, and hurt. Over and over I have heard people say some version of, “2020 is not a good year.”  Don’t get me wrong, it’s been a challenge in many ways, but does that make it bad?  


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Do the Best You Can

Be honest with yourself... Are you holding a grudge against someone? Do you frequently find yourself judging someone’s action because they made choices differently than yours? This isn’t necessarily a conversation about shame, blame or judgment. This is a conversation about understanding.  

You see, each of us is here on this earth to learn through our experiences. It's “Earth School” if you will. The difference between Earth School and Grade School is that we all start our learning experiences at different stages. One person may have learned how to hold their ground early in life, someone else may not learn how until their 60s. Some people don’t experience loss until their twenties, others know its bitter taste much younger. Some people are born into a home full of love, where they learn how to love and show compassion for others, others have to teach themselves how to love and show compassion. We are all in a different place in our...

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Bonus Love

So often my clients are working through traumas from childhood and/or their teen years. Those events that rock our boat (even if we don’t notice it at the time) mold our every move from that moment on. Most of the time we have experiences that hold lessons we don’t understand until we’re older. So much of life is that way, isn’t it? Have you seen Frozen 2 yet? Olaf has a song that is all about how all the things happening to him will make sense when he is older. There is so much truth to that. But oftentimes, it doesn’t all sink in until someone comes into our lives to help bring that lesson to fruition. We have talked about how it takes a village to raise a child, and how we never stop growing, so we always need our village. We learn as we go through this life that it is so important to have people of many talents in our life to guide, support, and hear us as we walk along in this journey.  


This week I will marry my best friend....

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Self-Care isn't Selfish

Self-care, self-love, me-time. These phrases are ones we hear often. But do you have any idea what that even means? Do you hear yourself saying, “must be nice” when someone talks about taking some time for themselves? We’ve all been there. Some days it feels like there just isn’t any time for you. Some days it feels too expensive, wasteful, or even selfish. But every day, it is necessary.  

As a society, we always find the money, the time, the x,y,z to make things happen that we really want and need. The most heartbreaking example of this is when a loved one is ill. In your day-to-day life, you don’t have the time or money to go visit. But when that person becomes ill, you make the time. You find the money. You find the way and get there. Immediately, this becomes a priority, and we always figure out the way for our priorities. I challenge you to make your own health and well-being a priority this month. Sure, life is crazy and busy...

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