Feed Your Soul

Feed your soul... like chicken? Or vegetables? Miracle Grow? What does one feed its soul?! Once upon a time, I didn’t get it either. It was a trendy phrase used by a specific kind of person. A much younger version of me imagined her to be someone who didn’t have anything else going on in her life. She lived in luxury. She didn’t have to go to work. She didn’t have any responsibilities. Her day consisted of yoga, sunbathing, and posting on Instagram. Boy, was I wrong! To feed your soul is so much more than the stereotype I had created in my mind. As I grew, I began to understand how important it is to partake in activities that truly do feed your soul. They make your heart happy. You find peace in them. It doesn’t have to be yoga. It doesn’t have to be sunbathing. Maybe its crafting. Maybe its hiking. Maybe it is watching your kids play and relishing in the glory that is a child. Maybe it is your job. Maybe its prayer and/or Bible Study. Maybe it...

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Take Care of Mom

In my nursing education, we are trained to deal with many different types of situations. The good, the bad, and the ugly. In one of our training exercises, we are challenged with aiding a pregnant woman who has been in a car accident. Many protocols and routines are in place to aid us in dealing with the bad and ugly situations that we may experience. They usually include having assigned roles in every situation. Everyone has a job. As a new nurse I had asked, “Whose job is it to care for the unborn baby? The team is dedicated to the mom.” The response I received will stick with me forever, “Take care of the mom, and she will care for the baby.”

Let that sink in Mamas. Did you know your body is designed to steal from you so it can support your unborn child? Did you ever think you could live on 4 hours (or less) of sleep a night before you were a parent? Did you ever think that you would go years without buying new clothes so your kids would have new shoes for...

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Health vs. Wellness

People use the word healthy to describe a lot of different situations. You have a healthy baby. You eat healthy food. You received a healthy bonus. You have a healthy appetite. You are trying to be healthy. You got a healthy serving of hard work today. You see, healthy is a word that is used in so many different ways, it’s meaning could be endless. The Oxford definition of healthy is “in good health” but what is good health?  

What about the pair, “health and wellness?” If being healthy is being in good health, what does wellness mean? Why are they separated? Isn’t being well the same as being healthy? According to Oxford dictionary wellness is “the state of being in good health” so, in fact, the dictionary says they are the same. Why does our society believe they are two different things then?  

Here’s my take, we see them as two different things. As Western Medicine, or allopathic medicine, is...

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