This time of year we hear so much about being thankful. Being grateful for all we have. Fall is harvest time, a chance to bring in the fruits of your labor and have stores for the winter. A while back there was a thing on Facebook for the whole month of November where you would post daily something you were thankful for, many people participated. It is so wonderful to offer gratitude for all that you’ve been given. Not just the produce you grew, but to remember the people that are blessings in your life. To be grateful for all the things you have. To enjoy the sunshine, the breeze, the chirping birds in the trees... It is a good time to be present in every moment and be mindful of how beautiful your life is.
I have gone on two mission trips to Guatemala with the God’s Child Project. There is nothing that shows you just how luxurious your life is like building a 16 x 16-foot HOUSE for a family of 5. That is the size of most American garden...
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