Did you ever get lost as a kid? Maybe got distracted in the grocery store when mom made it to the next aisle without you? Do you remember that immediate feeling of unease and maybe even panic? It was so hard to think clearly because you were LOST! It was a gut-wrenching feeling, wasn't it?
Now, let me ask you this… have you ever thought to yourself, “I just don’t even know who I am anymore.”? While you may know and trust that you will survive this season of life, that feeling of “lost” still brings up some unease in your psyche. Consider the idea that a part of you feeling off is that you have lost yourself. Lost in the hustle, lost in your kids, your job, and your household obligations.
A little real talk… when was the last time you did something that was just to fill your own cup? Not something to “deal with the day” or to “get away from it all” but something that genuinely made you...
With the tension that seems to exist around every corner lately, it can be hard to find peace, joy, and happiness. As our society is conflicted and stress continues to be placed on employers and employees, parents and children, and men and women of all walks of life, you may have noticed that it is more difficult to find those higher vibration emotions.
You are not alone.
This is certainly a challenge. You are not going crazy, you are not “losing it,” you are simply a victim of a world in turmoil. This is a level of tension many of us have not experienced in our lifetime. It is heavy. It is uncomfortable. It is hard. But it doesn’t have to ruin you.
It is moments like these we have to dig deep to find our joy and peace. We have to be a little more intentional in finding ways to raise our vibration instead of just going through the motions of the day. Empaths especially, as you’re likely more aware of the heaviness in...
It is often said in the “coaching world” that we teach that which we need to learn. My goodness, how true that is. So often I find myself saying things in a session with a client and thinking, “Self, pay attention. You needed to hear that too!” The wisdom I have been blessed with over the last 7 years of this work has helped me to grow and evolve just as much as my clients do. As we’re all in the spirit of offering gratitude, I have to share my gratefulness for these lessons! I am a human and I face challenges just like you do. Sometimes I forget to ground, sometimes I don’t say “no” often enough, sometimes I don’t make self-care a priority and I end up burnt out… We are not meant to be perfect on this journey called life, we are simply meant to find peace in the process. Every time I find myself a little off, I remember the lessons I have learned from my clients. The ones that blow my mind and speak straight to my soul....
Most of my clients will tell me that they love working with me because I don’t sugarcoat things. I’m going to tell you exactly how it is. My patients and their families will say the same thing. Sometimes, those things are hard to hear. I understand it is hard and that’s why I say it.
No, I don’t enjoy bursting your bubble, but I do enjoy watching you grow and succeed. You don’t work with me, or even read these blogs because you want to hear that you’re a perfect human being and you could do nothing better, and if something goes wrong it is always someone else’s fault. No… you’re here to grow. You’re here to get tips, tricks, and insights that help guide you to become the purest version of yourself that you can be. You’re here to gain a new perspective and make lasting changes in your life that lead you to peace and happiness and out of burnout and exhaustion.
The journey isn’t always...
This time of year we hear so much about being thankful. Being grateful for all we have. Fall is harvest time, a chance to bring in the fruits of your labor and have stores for the winter. A while back there was a thing on Facebook for the whole month of November where you would post daily something you were thankful for, many people participated. It is so wonderful to offer gratitude for all that you’ve been given. Not just the produce you grew, but to remember the people that are blessings in your life. To be grateful for all the things you have. To enjoy the sunshine, the breeze, the chirping birds in the trees... It is a good time to be present in every moment and be mindful of how beautiful your life is.
I have gone on two mission trips to Guatemala with the God’s Child Project. There is nothing that shows you just how luxurious your life is like building a 16 x 16-foot HOUSE for a family of 5. That is the size of most American garden...
What is enough?
We have all set goals for ourselves throughout our life. Some people set them every January, sometimes it is at your annual review at work, sometimes, it is before starting the next academic year, you may even set a goal for your day every morning. These things are all wonderful. It is important to have something to strive for and something to help keep you motivated. What happens when you reach that goal though? Do you set another one? Do you check it off your list, never to think of it again?
It depends on the goal you’re setting. Let’s use weight loss as an example. Many people set a weight loss goal at some time in their lives. Goal: Lose 20 pounds. So, you work at it. You decrease your caloric intake, maybe you take the stairs more often, maybe you even join a gym. And with a few changes in your life and a lot of work, you’ve lost the 20 pounds. But then what? What comes next? Do you go back to your old routines and put the weight back on? Do...
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