It is often said in the “coaching world” that we teach that which we need to learn. My goodness, how true that is. So often I find myself saying things in a session with a client and thinking, “Self, pay attention. You needed to hear that too!” The wisdom I have been blessed with over the last 7 years of this work has helped me to grow and evolve just as much as my clients do. As we’re all in the spirit of offering gratitude, I have to share my gratefulness for these lessons! I am a human and I face challenges just like you do. Sometimes I forget to ground, sometimes I don’t say “no” often enough, sometimes I don’t make self-care a priority and I end up burnt out… We are not meant to be perfect on this journey called life, we are simply meant to find peace in the process. Every time I find myself a little off, I remember the lessons I have learned from my clients. The ones that blow my mind and speak straight to my soul....
Have you ever been driving down the road, singing along to the radio, only half aware of what is happening, when all of a sudden a deer steps out onto the highway?! You immediately slam on the brakes, your heart starts racing, and after you know you’re both safe you continue on your way. Except now your heart is pounding and you may be breathing a little hard from that quick burst of excitement. You know the feeling I’m talking about. It is an instant adrenaline rush, stemming from fear.
Now imagine staying in that heart racing state for days on end.
That is exactly what happens to your body when you live in fear. Fear of failure. Fear of disappointment. Fear of judgment. Fearing for your safety. Whether it’s a fear of something physical and tangible, or it’s a fear of an emotion, the way your body reacts is the same. It releases a surge of Cortisol and Adrenaline to keep you alert and able to respond to any life-threatening situation. You know like a...
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