Growing up there were a couple of sitcoms we watched as a family (back when TV was a little more family-friendly) that often referred to anger management techniques. The two I remember the most were the rubber band on the wrist, to be snapped during moments of anger, and the “close your eyes and count to 10 before responding" rule. I feel like these things were mentioned quite often on TV...but maybe they were just techniques that stood out to me so I remembered them well. Either way, this conversation is more about that choice to respond differently than the first instinct. The decision to snap the rubber band, or count to ten before responding is a conscious choice that affects the outcome of the situation... In a big way.
In every interaction you partake in, you have the ability to choose how you will respond to the situation at hand. There are SO many human emotions, your options are truly endless. The question becomes, what does this response create in my life? See...
Remember when we talked about vibrations and frequency? How emotions like love, happiness, and joy have a higher vibration than grief, anger, fear, and hate? Let’s consider a different set of frequencies for a minute. Remember those days before Sirius XM and being able to carry the worldwide web in your pocket? If you wanted to listen to a particular type of music you spun a dial on the radio until you landed on the right frequency to tune into that station. The beauty of this is that because you were on a specific frequency, you only heard what was playing on that frequency. There are a million different sound waves floating around all the time, but you only hear the ones you’re tuned in to. We don’t hear the conversation of the pilots above us, you don’t hear the walkie-talkie conversations between law enforcement. We are unaware of the sound waves between employees at a retail store or a phone conversation the neighbor is having. All of these sound waves...
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