5 Ways to Survive Transition

Transition is hard! Change is hard. It’s not impossible, but it is hard. My family just moved to a new home about 5 miles out of town. As I’m coming back to my roots and making adjustments to how I’ve been living for the last 10+ years (the grocery store is no longer 5 blocks away, turns out I had become a bit accustomed to that), I’m having to work hard to stay grounded and continue my practices of self-care.  It’s been beautiful, but it is a challenge. Deciding where to keep the plates, which drawer the silverware should go in, and deciding where the linen cupboard should be are just some of the struggles that come with moving into a new place. It’s a transition, and the transition is never easy, but it is so worth it. Sitting on my back porch with my dog, the cats that came with the place, and watching the sunrise as I write this make it oh so worth the challenges.


With this transition in my personal life, also comes a transition in...

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Drink Your Water!

Purely You Healing
Drink Your Water!

It's no secret that our bodies need water to survive. We know that the average person could only survive for 3 days without water. That is 72 hours. We can make it about 3 weeks without food, proving that water needs to be a priority in our survival. Now, you're probably not sitting on a deserted island wondering if you'll survive until you're rescued, but I'd bet you've reached for a snack instead of a drink of water on multiple occasions. Our brains and bodies are funny that way. We tend to ignore the "thirsty signals" but almost always listen to the "hungry ones" and sometimes, if we are not mindful we end up eating when we should be grabbing some water! There are some foods with naturally occurring water in them, like pineapple, celery, and lettuce but that is no match for a good glass of water. 

Your body is roughly 65% water, every single cell inside of you needs water to function. Did you know that being well hydrated can help with your temperature control, muscle aches,...

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