Trying something new is hard. It can be exciting, exhilarating even, but taking that first step is downright difficult. We tend to be creatures of habit and don’t often veer from our routines and normalcy. When we do finally take that leap, there is a whole world of possibilities out there.
I always find it is easier to do something different when I know as much as possible about what is coming next. Like having a roadmap to my new destination. I know where I am now and where I want to be later, and I use the map to get me there. So here’s your map to Purely You!
You have a few different options for finding your purest self. Which one you choose is up to you. Since you’re here reading this, then you’ve already taken the first step! You’re consuming content that helps you to grow, change your mindset and explore strategies to become the best version of yourself that you can be. Another easy way to do this is with Wednesday...
Last week we talked about delegation and how empowering others can help them develop just as much as it can help you relax. Win, win, right?!
But what happens when the frustrations you have are from situations you have little control over? A client of mine recently said, "I just wish people would be nice to each other!" Neither one of us has any control over how others behave, but their behavior impacts us just the same.
Hearing about murders, abuse, assault, death, hate crime, etc can sure put a damper on your day. I watch the news very sparingly for this reason. As an empath, it's hard to hear all the heavy, heartbreaking stories without doing a lot of work to keep my light shining bright. But that same heartbreak is sometimes in our own homes, our workplaces, or communities. You can just turn off the news but you can't avoid life. So what do you do?
First, you change your mindset. It is so easy to think...
Something that is often taught in leadership development is the art of delegation. Learning what tasks to hand to others on your team and empowering them to accomplish those tasks can really change the way your team interacts, and of course, lightens your load too!
This concept can be the same in your household too. You know better than anyone that you're the captain of that ship. It's up to you to make sure there are clean clothes to wear, grandma gets a birthday card, and the goldfish has been fed. Sometimes the weight of it all feels unbearable. Overwhelming. Even frustrating.
What would happen if you began to delegate some of those tasks or responsibilities? Of course, you're not going to have your toddler paying bills, but they could probably feed the fish. Are your children old enough to wash their own clothes? What about being responsible for a meal or a side dish?
Now you're probably thinking...
According to an article posted in Forbes in 2021, at least 52% of the working population is feeling the strain of burnout. Yikes! That means if you’re not feeling it, the person sitting next to you likely is. The worst part is they might not even be aware of it. You can’t fix it if you don’t even realize that it’s happening.
So often I hear clients tell me all the ways they are struggling in their day-to-day and then follow that up with something like, “but this is ‘adulting,’ right?” As in, I shouldn’t complain because this is just what being an adult is. They always told us being a grown-up was no fun.
Here’s the reality. While being an adult does come with its own set of responsibilities and stressors that our children know nothing about, it doesn’t have to feel this heavy and exhausting! Some days are hard, yes. Some situations require a lot from you, yes. But if every day feels like a...
Did you ever get lost as a kid? Maybe got distracted in the grocery store when mom made it to the next aisle without you? Do you remember that immediate feeling of unease and maybe even panic? It was so hard to think clearly because you were LOST! It was a gut-wrenching feeling, wasn't it?
Now, let me ask you this… have you ever thought to yourself, “I just don’t even know who I am anymore.”? While you may know and trust that you will survive this season of life, that feeling of “lost” still brings up some unease in your psyche. Consider the idea that a part of you feeling off is that you have lost yourself. Lost in the hustle, lost in your kids, your job, and your household obligations.
A little real talk… when was the last time you did something that was just to fill your own cup? Not something to “deal with the day” or to “get away from it all” but something that genuinely made you...
I was listening to a book the other day that explained the difference between "best practice" and "evidence-based practice" in healthcare. When I was in nursing school one thing they drilled into our heads over and over was to always perform evidence-based care instead of doing things because "that's the way they've always been done." It got me thinking about how often in life we accept what is happening as "normal" because that is just the way it's always been. "Normal" is different in different parts of the world, different workplaces, and even inside different households. One could even go as far as to say normal is different for each body. But that is when this idea of "normal" gets a little dicey. See, so much of what we have accepted as normal in our body, might not be. Because it is common, does not mean it is normal. When it comes to your health and your wellness it is important to distinguish between the two.
For example, it is common for smokers to...
What does burnout look like? It might surprise you to know that burnout isn’t necessarily a mental breakdown. It’s not you ending up in bed, sick, because you pushed too hard for too long. Burnout isn’t even always a midlife crisis.
Sometimes burnout looks like a short-temper and irritability.
It might be a lack of patience or empathy.
It might look like increased frustration with the little things.
It might look like chronic exhaustion.
Maybe it’s a reaction that is much bigger than the problem at hand (think toddler tantrum over a red cup instead of a blue cup: small problem, big reaction).
Sometimes it looks like putting in less than your best at work.
Sometimes burnout is not having the desire to enjoy the things you used to enjoy, be it a hobby, a relationship, or even adults-only time with your partner.
Burnout may also look like you running headfirst into another project because you feel this need to...
Does your conversation go like this, when you run into that acquaintance at the grocery store?
“Hey! How are you? I haven’t seen you in a while.”
“I’m good, busy but good. See ya later!”
Busy, but good. How many times do we repeat some version of that throughout the day? How many times do you think to yourself, “if I only had time…” How often do you get to the end of the day only to realize it flew by and you’re not even sure what you got accomplished?
We have glorified busy. To be an overachiever is the best way to feel accomplished. To be so busy you can’t enjoy life is the only way to live. To have every day on your calendar full must mean that you are successful and well-liked. Right? Yeah… I thought that sounded a little crazy too. But, somehow that is the lifestyle we have fallen accustomed to. That is the standard we have set for ourselves. My dear girl, it...
Transition is hard! Change is hard. It’s not impossible, but it is hard. My family just moved to a new home about 5 miles out of town. As I’m coming back to my roots and making adjustments to how I’ve been living for the last 10+ years (the grocery store is no longer 5 blocks away, turns out I had become a bit accustomed to that), I’m having to work hard to stay grounded and continue my practices of self-care. It’s been beautiful, but it is a challenge. Deciding where to keep the plates, which drawer the silverware should go in, and deciding where the linen cupboard should be are just some of the struggles that come with moving into a new place. It’s a transition, and the transition is never easy, but it is so worth it. Sitting on my back porch with my dog, the cats that came with the place, and watching the sunrise as I write this make it oh so worth the challenges.
With this transition in my personal life, also comes a transition in...
Who would you be if you weren’t burnt out and tired and exhausted all the time? If you had the energy to get on the floor and play with your kids? What would it look like if you weren’t exhausted? Or if the smallest thing didn’t set you off? If you had the energy and the desire to interact with your partner for more than just the, “how was your day?” “good, how was yours?” type of small talk? What kind of mom would you be if your stress didn’t rule you’re every waking thought? What kind of wife would you be if anger and frustration were not the go-to emotions?
Can you imagine a life where peace is your default setting instead of frustration?
Imagine a life where instead of feeling like everything is your responsibility, you know exactly which tasks are yours and exactly which ones are a priority today. Imagine a life where you get to live in such a way that you do the things that make your heart happy routinely and...
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