Four Phases

Have you ever considered the four phases of your menstrual cycle? If you’re not trying to get pregnant (or avoid pregnancy) you might be totally unaware of the phases, with the exception of the week you bleed. Let me tell you why we need to change that. 


You know that each month your hormones fluctuate through each of the phases and each time the change, they create different desires in you. Just like Mother Nature shows off her four seasons throughout the year, you experience similar seasons throughout the month. Let’s break it down. 


Spring/Follicular phase: In this phase your body is preparing an egg for ovulation. The hormones responsible for this will make you want to plan things and create to-do lists. This would be an optimal time to create your monthly menu, shopping list, or create daycare plans for your kids. 


Summer/Ovulation: In this phase, your body releases that egg. You are now fertile. All the hormones required to allow...

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Perfect: being entirely without fault or defect


So often in our lives, we chase "perfect." The perfect outfit, perfect hair, perfect relationship, perfect car… We put a great deal of energy into being “perfect.” 


To be entirely without fault is impossible though. We were not built that way. We were not designed to live this life without failure or defect. Yes, you were created perfect in every way, but a part of what makes you perfect are your imperfections. A part of what makes you perfect is the trial and error side of life. The times when you start as a beginner, nowhere near perfect. The times when you realize you must evolve to keep up with the world around you, and in that transition, you are not perfect. The times when life gets messy and you don’t know quite what to do, you are not perfect. 


But you are learning, growing, and evolving. THAT is perfect. 


So much of our time is spent on trying to become...

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What Defines You?

What defines you? Is it your hair color? “I’m blonde so I must be ditzy” “I’m a redhead so I am short tempered.” Is it your gender? “I’m female so I’m supposed to enjoy cooking.” “I’m male so I must know a lot about vehicles.” Is it your education? “I have a PHD so I know everything.” “I dropped out of high school, so I know nothing and cannot be successful.” …. These all sound crazy don’t they.


Try these one on for size:

“I don’t have a partner so I am not loveable.”

“I have a chronic illness, so I cannot be happy.”

“I was abused, so I cannot have a healthy relationship.”


Are any of those true? Or just as crazy as saying your hair color determines your attitude?


You are not defined by the way you look.

You are not defined by the things that happen to you.

Yes, there are defining moments in your life. The...

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Slow and Steady

Do you remember the old story of the tortoise and the hare? They are racing towards the finish line and the hare is so sure he will win that he got distracted and decided to take a nap. Not because he was tired. Not because it was his normal time of day to rest, but because he was being arrogant. The tortoise, on the other hand, continues slow and steady until he wins the race. He does not rest, but he does not hurry through either. 


What lessons we have to learn from these two!? 


The hare hurries in the beginning, becomes sure he will win, so he rests and misses his opportunity to cross the finish line first. How many times have you done this with your own goals? Maybe you decide you’re going to “get in shape” so you start by running a mile on day one, even though you haven’t run a mile in years. On day two you’re so sore that you need to rest. Day three hurts worse than day two, so you rest a little longer. By day four your...

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How Well Do You Know Yourself?

How well do you know yourself? Seriously. Not just that you like pickles and hate spinach. Or that you know you’d prefer a fuzzy sweater over a fancy dress. But the real stuff. Do you know what type of support you need when you’re feeling overwhelmed? Do you understand how you react when you’re stressed out? Are you aware of your strengths? Do you know how to listen to the signals in your body? Are you even aware of your own body?  


You see, each of those things is a part of what makes you, you. But so often we are unaware of those things. So often we just do whatever it takes to get through the day and overlook everything else. We ignore our bodies, we ignore our preferences, and we certainly don’t take time to honor the signals it is providing us.  


Coming into the holiday season it is so important to make sure you’re staying grounded, protecting your space, and taking time for self-care. Most importantly, listen to...

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Why learn Purely You?

Why is it so important to learn who Purely You is? Why does it even matter? You’re getting by just fine in this life, right? Sure, you may be tired, overwhelmed, and exhausted. You might snap at your kids or your partner once in a while. You might show up to work and give less than your best. But it’s no big deal, everyone does it, right? This is what we call, “adulting.” This is why they say it’s hard.
I’m about to tell you something that you may have never heard before.
Your life doesn’t have to look that way. You don’t have to be overwhelmed and exhausted. You don’t have to be short-tempered and snappy. You don’t have to be mediocre. You just have to learn how to care for yourself and become the best version of yourself that you can be. It starts with setting new boundaries, self-discovery, and a few (or a lot) of changes in your daily routines. It’s not an easy transition, especially if you’ve been living...

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Who is Purely You?

Purely You Healing
Who is Purely You?

Purely You isn't the "go-getter" persona you adopt at work. It's not the "soccer mom" impression you leave at school drop off. Purely You probably isn't the version of yourself that shows online either. It's not the face you put on for your in-laws at dinner. It's not the smile you paint on when your kids are misbehaving in the store. Purely You isn't the mask you put on to please your partner, your boss, your kids, or your best friend. 

Purely You is the absolute truest version of yourself. The person you are at the root of your being. The person you were put on this earth to become. It sounds so simple, doesn't it? But I would venture to guess, you have covered up bits and pieces of you to get through this life. Maybe you've done this for so long, that you're not really sure who you are anymore. Do you really like that TV show or do you watch it because your partner does? Do you really enjoy going hiking or do you only go because your best friend does? Does a bubble bath make...

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75% Complete

Here's my 5 easy steps to become Purely You!

Don't miss a thing! 

Continue to learn and grow through Purely You Healing!