I recently read a post online that explained how people are like plants. No, not the idea of needing water and sunshine to thrive-although that is true too. In this case, the point was that not everyone wants to grow in the same way. There is often a lot of talk around people climbing the ladder at work, creating more financial abundance, building a bigger house, etc. More. More. More. But what does it mean if you’re happy with where you’re at? If you don’t want to climb that ladder and chase another dollar?
For the sake of this conversation, it means that you grow differently. See, a Poplar grows fast, tall, and lean, while a Japanese Maple grows slow with a wider shape. Very different, but growth just the same.
We are all like that too. You and I can both be growing and chasing goals, but the end result might look very different. Maybe my goal is to do some deep emotional work that no one really sees or notices, like how roots grow...
What desires, goals, or dreams have been placed on your heart? I’m not just talking about sleeping in every day or your favorite drink from the coffee shop. Let’s get a little deeper than that… What are the things that you keep coming back to? Those dreams that just never go away?
Maybe it’s having all your family together for a meal.
Maybe it’s selling your paintings.
Maybe it’s teaching kiddos how to work through their emotions on the back of a horse.
Maybe it’s having an exceptional relationship with your partner.
Maybe it’s running an animal sanctuary where you rescue pets from being euthanized.
Maybe it’s finding peace and joy in your life again.
Maybe it’s something else entirely…
These goals have been placed on your heart for a reason. Not just to daydream about it while you’re stuck in your 9 to 5. Not just to be that thing you never quite...
We are seeing so many shifts in our society right now. Shifts in inclusivity; shifts in how we use technology; shifts in how our kids receive their education; shifts in what social gatherings look like... Many things are shifting. Sometimes it’s uncomfortable to change. It’s uncomfortable to see new, to embrace new, to like new. However, it’s sitting in that discomfort that we grow and evolve. It’s how change becomes everlasting, not just in society but in us as individuals as well.
Throughout history, women have had to fight for equality and the same freedoms or rights that men have. For instance, the right to vote (Wyoming Territory, 1869. USA, 1920), the right to equal pay in the workplace (1963), right to obtain your own bank account without a man’s name on it (the 1960s, credit cards 1974), right to participate in education and school-sponsored extra circulars: Title IX (1972), right to take birth control as an unmarried woman (1972),...
There is a quote that says something like, “Preach the gospel every day, and when necessary use words.” I love this as it is a great reminder that actions speak louder than words. Not just in a religious tradition, but in how we show up in the world. There is often some dispute between the way people act and the words they preach. So many tasks are easier said than done. Everyone has great intentions and poor execution. We all WANT things to be different, but very few people do the work to create a different life. There’s never any judgment here, but what a great opportunity for some self-reflection.
My mom always used to tell me, “do as I say, not as I do” anytime she was going against her own teachings. “Don’t cross your legs like that, it’s bad for your circulation and your hips” “Don’t drink pop, it’s a hard addiction to break” “Don’t stay up too late, you need your...
You are worthy.
You are a blessing.
You are strong.
You are capable.
You are independent.
You are valuable.
You are compassionate.
You are smart.
You are empowered.
You are beautiful.
You are radiant.
You are purposeful.
You are fun.
You are a badass.
You are clever.
You are adaptable.
You are intellectual.
You are inspiring.
You are amazing.
You are gorgeous.
You are unstoppable.
You are fierce.
You are sensational.
You deserve to achieve every dream you have.
You deserve to have time for yourself.
You deserve nothing less than the best.
Take whatever you need today. Then leave something else for someone in the comments!
Don't forget to join me for a virtual talk on self-care in January!
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Here's my 5 easy steps to become Purely You!
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