Patience is Hard

Remember when we talked about life school? How we are always growing and evolving and the world will continue to offer us opportunities to learn until we’ve really got those lessons nailed down? Let’s talk about learning patience. Patience is hard. It’s one of those life skills that we all need to have, but most of us struggle with it. 


What happens when you need to learn patience in life is that you are provided opportunities to be patient. Like a long check-out line. Or when your doctor is running an hour behind on the day you have an appointment. Or when you’re waiting on construction. For some of us, dial-up internet taught us patience. We have been living in a world that is so full of instant gratification that we have lost a lot of our patience. We have become a society that wants things now. If shipping takes more than 2 days I don’t want it. If the store doesn’t get their shipment in for 3 more days, I’ll just order it...

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Complain Your Way to Success?

I saw a quote while scrolling through social media the other day that hit me hard. 


“You cannot complain yourself into what you want”


Read it again. 


Boy oh boy is that a hard truth. How often do you do that to yourself? How often do you allow yourself to complain about the way things are going instead of working towards a different outcome?


I think a part of it is human nature. It’s the low-hanging fruit that is easy to reach. Something happens that doesn’t quite fit your ideal, so immediately we process that displeasure by complaining. We know that the energy of anger, resentment, fear, and frustration are all very low. By spending time in that low vibration, we encourage more low vibrational energy into our lives, and all of a sudden your whole day is spent complaining instead of being productive! And if you’re anything like me, that makes you feel like complaining even more! It’s a vicious cycle that...

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Humbled by Hardships

Remember in this blog when we were reminded to stop chasing perfect and how we are all beginners at some point? What do you do with yourself when you’re suffering a hardship? When you’re faced with a new experience and you don’t know what to do? You don’t run from it, because remember our goal is not to be perfect. 


We embrace the hardship as an opportunity to grow and be better. Allow yourself to be humbled, to say, “hmmm… I have never experienced this before and I don’t know what to do. It is time to learn.” 


We are quick to let our ego get in the way when something becomes difficult. “I fail.” “I can’t do this.” “I’m not capable.” “I suck.” “Why does this always happen to me?” and whatever other nasty things you say to yourself. When you start down that rabbit hole of negative self-talk you immediately shut down to the opportunity of...

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Ebb and Flow in Relationship

Over the last year, we have seen a lot of things change in our lives. It has created many changes in our homes, our workplaces, our schools, and our communities. Those adjustments have led to some changes in our relationships as well. Maybe some added stress. Maybe a need for extra effort. Maybe drifting apart under the chaos. Or all of the above. 




Relationships ebb and flow all the time. The people in your life came into your timeline when you were a very specific version of you, and they were a very specific version of them. You will not always grow at the same pace. You will not always WANT to grow at the same pace or in the same ways. Just because you are in a relationship with someone, does not mean you are less of an individual. You may experience the same events: birth of a child, loss of a parent, buying a home, changes in household income, a world-wide pandemic… but you will experience them in a way that is as unique to you as...

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Perfect: being entirely without fault or defect


So often in our lives, we chase "perfect." The perfect outfit, perfect hair, perfect relationship, perfect car… We put a great deal of energy into being “perfect.” 


To be entirely without fault is impossible though. We were not built that way. We were not designed to live this life without failure or defect. Yes, you were created perfect in every way, but a part of what makes you perfect are your imperfections. A part of what makes you perfect is the trial and error side of life. The times when you start as a beginner, nowhere near perfect. The times when you realize you must evolve to keep up with the world around you, and in that transition, you are not perfect. The times when life gets messy and you don’t know quite what to do, you are not perfect. 


But you are learning, growing, and evolving. THAT is perfect. 


So much of our time is spent on trying to become...

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What Defines You?

What defines you? Is it your hair color? “I’m blonde so I must be ditzy” “I’m a redhead so I am short tempered.” Is it your gender? “I’m female so I’m supposed to enjoy cooking.” “I’m male so I must know a lot about vehicles.” Is it your education? “I have a PHD so I know everything.” “I dropped out of high school, so I know nothing and cannot be successful.” …. These all sound crazy don’t they.


Try these one on for size:

“I don’t have a partner so I am not loveable.”

“I have a chronic illness, so I cannot be happy.”

“I was abused, so I cannot have a healthy relationship.”


Are any of those true? Or just as crazy as saying your hair color determines your attitude?


You are not defined by the way you look.

You are not defined by the things that happen to you.

Yes, there are defining moments in your life. The...

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I need help. 


Can you help me? 


I can’t do it alone. 


This is too much for me. 

How hard is it to say these words out loud? Do you struggle with admitting you need and/or asking for help? 


Do you know why it’s hard to ask? 


In part, the difficulty comes from society priding itself on a “self-reliant” culture. We have been conditioned to believe that we should be able to do it all by ourselves. We have been conditioned to believe that to need help from someone is to prove that you are incapable. 


That leads to us feeling vulnerable. Exposed. Naked. If I have to ask for help, there must be something wrong with me. If I have to ask for help, I am failing. If I have to ask for help, I am not worthy. 


Remember when we talked about growing constantly and how that doesn’t stop when you graduate from school? We are so quick to say the words, “it takes a village to...

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New Year, New Opportunities

The new year is coming, for so many of us, that means a new resolve to do better, be better, make a change. Maybe New Year’s Resolutions are not your thing, but constant growth and evolution should be. The concept is the same. The problem with change is that it is hard. It takes time. It takes commitment and dedication. It takes baby steps.  

That is the ticket to any change. Small, consistent steps.  

I want you to be successful. I want to see you reach your goals and become the best version of yourself that you can be. So how can you do that? First of all, your goal/resolution has to be specific. “Lose weight” isn’t enough. “Eat healthily” isn’t enough. “Pray more” isn’t enough. “Be happier” isn’t enough. All of these ideas are good, but your resolution needs to have a bit more of a step-by-step process to be truly successful. Did you know that less than 10% of the resolutions made...

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How Well Do You Know Yourself?

How well do you know yourself? Seriously. Not just that you like pickles and hate spinach. Or that you know you’d prefer a fuzzy sweater over a fancy dress. But the real stuff. Do you know what type of support you need when you’re feeling overwhelmed? Do you understand how you react when you’re stressed out? Are you aware of your strengths? Do you know how to listen to the signals in your body? Are you even aware of your own body?  


You see, each of those things is a part of what makes you, you. But so often we are unaware of those things. So often we just do whatever it takes to get through the day and overlook everything else. We ignore our bodies, we ignore our preferences, and we certainly don’t take time to honor the signals it is providing us.  


Coming into the holiday season it is so important to make sure you’re staying grounded, protecting your space, and taking time for self-care. Most importantly, listen to...

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Why learn Purely You?

Why is it so important to learn who Purely You is? Why does it even matter? You’re getting by just fine in this life, right? Sure, you may be tired, overwhelmed, and exhausted. You might snap at your kids or your partner once in a while. You might show up to work and give less than your best. But it’s no big deal, everyone does it, right? This is what we call, “adulting.” This is why they say it’s hard.
I’m about to tell you something that you may have never heard before.
Your life doesn’t have to look that way. You don’t have to be overwhelmed and exhausted. You don’t have to be short-tempered and snappy. You don’t have to be mediocre. You just have to learn how to care for yourself and become the best version of yourself that you can be. It starts with setting new boundaries, self-discovery, and a few (or a lot) of changes in your daily routines. It’s not an easy transition, especially if you’ve been living...

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75% Complete

Here's my 5 easy steps to become Purely You!

Don't miss a thing! 

Continue to learn and grow through Purely You Healing!