Does your conversation go like this, when you run into that acquaintance at the grocery store?
“Hey! How are you? I haven’t seen you in a while.”
“I’m good, busy but good. See ya later!”
Busy, but good. How many times do we repeat some version of that throughout the day? How many times do you think to yourself, “if I only had time…” How often do you get to the end of the day only to realize it flew by and you’re not even sure what you got accomplished?
We have glorified busy. To be an overachiever is the best way to feel accomplished. To be so busy you can’t enjoy life is the only way to live. To have every day on your calendar full must mean that you are successful and well-liked. Right? Yeah… I thought that sounded a little crazy too. But, somehow that is the lifestyle we have fallen accustomed to. That is the standard we have set for ourselves. My dear girl, it...
She said to me, “I’m broken.”
“I was abused, I’m broken. “
“I was cheated on, I’m broken. “
“I have a diagnosis, I’m broken.”
“I cannot keep a man, I’m broken. “
“I got fired, I’m broken. “
“I lost someone I love, I’m broken. “
I stared into her eyes and said, “You, my dear are not broken. Something broke your heart, but it did not break you.”
Every time we experience pain, discomfort, heartache, we are given a choice. Allow this to define our lives and be the story of brokenness we tell, the excuse for nothing going right in our lives… OR… we let this pain be a driving force to become better.
Your past doesn’t have to define you, it can empower you.
To the one who was abused, you now know to never give your power away.
To the one who was cheated on, you now know how to find...
Who would you be if you weren’t burnt out and tired and exhausted all the time? If you had the energy to get on the floor and play with your kids? What would it look like if you weren’t exhausted? Or if the smallest thing didn’t set you off? If you had the energy and the desire to interact with your partner for more than just the, “how was your day?” “good, how was yours?” type of small talk? What kind of mom would you be if your stress didn’t rule you’re every waking thought? What kind of wife would you be if anger and frustration were not the go-to emotions?
Can you imagine a life where peace is your default setting instead of frustration?
Imagine a life where instead of feeling like everything is your responsibility, you know exactly which tasks are yours and exactly which ones are a priority today. Imagine a life where you get to live in such a way that you do the things that make your heart happy routinely and...
Offering someone compassion doesn't always feel as easy as criticizing them. Because it feels hard it might even feel “better” to criticize before we offer compassion. Sit with that for a second… it feels better to criticize others than it does to offer compassion. Not just others, but yourself too. It feels better to criticize yourself than to offer yourself compassion because that is easier. Like water, we do take the path of least resistance. But like water in a flood zone, that path can certainly be destructive!
Today, I want you to check your inner dialogue. Whether it’s walking through the store or after a conversation with your co-workers or interacting with a customer. Your knee-jerk response is likely one with a negative approach. “What is she wearing?” “I cannot believe she allows her kids to do that!” “Grow up and manage your money like an adult and you wouldn’t need to put items back.”...
Are you prepared for a crisis? I’m sure you are. You have smoke detectors and a fire extinguisher in your house. You have a spare tire in your vehicle. You have a little bit of money in your savings account. You have some extra canned goods in the pantry. You have a candle and flashlights in case the power goes out. You have Band-Aids in the cupboard for scraped knees and owies. You have snacks in your purse for the child that is starving. You even have a stash of greeting cards, just in case, there’s a last-minute need for some well-wishes. You are prepared for anything that comes your way. As long as it has nothing to do with you.
Wait, what?
Hang with me a minute... you have a spare tire for the vehicle. You have a fire extinguisher for the house. You have snacks for your kids. But what do you have for you? What happens when you’re the one in crisis? What happens when you’re the one that needs the extra attention? Most of the time, nothing happens. You...
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