
Perspective is key. You can choose to see the glass half-full or half-empty. You can choose to see a loss as a failure or as a lesson. You can choose to see a dream as impossible, or a challenge to be overcome. You can choose to see someone as selfish, or someone who is hurting. You can choose to see someone as addicted or someone who needs support. You can choose to see just another rock, or you can see the pride in your child’s eyes as they hand over their prized possession. You can choose to see a rundown shack, or you can see a family’s legacy. You can choose to see another stick in the yard, or your dog's favorite toy. Do you see? Everything is about perspective.  

Often we find ourselves caught in a loop of negativity, despair, and hurt. Over and over I have heard people say some version of, “2020 is not a good year.”  Don’t get me wrong, it’s been a challenge in many ways, but does that make it bad?  


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Do the Best You Can

Be honest with yourself... Are you holding a grudge against someone? Do you frequently find yourself judging someone’s action because they made choices differently than yours? This isn’t necessarily a conversation about shame, blame or judgment. This is a conversation about understanding.  

You see, each of us is here on this earth to learn through our experiences. It's “Earth School” if you will. The difference between Earth School and Grade School is that we all start our learning experiences at different stages. One person may have learned how to hold their ground early in life, someone else may not learn how until their 60s. Some people don’t experience loss until their twenties, others know its bitter taste much younger. Some people are born into a home full of love, where they learn how to love and show compassion for others, others have to teach themselves how to love and show compassion. We are all in a different place in our...

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Bonus Love

So often my clients are working through traumas from childhood and/or their teen years. Those events that rock our boat (even if we don’t notice it at the time) mold our every move from that moment on. Most of the time we have experiences that hold lessons we don’t understand until we’re older. So much of life is that way, isn’t it? Have you seen Frozen 2 yet? Olaf has a song that is all about how all the things happening to him will make sense when he is older. There is so much truth to that. But oftentimes, it doesn’t all sink in until someone comes into our lives to help bring that lesson to fruition. We have talked about how it takes a village to raise a child, and how we never stop growing, so we always need our village. We learn as we go through this life that it is so important to have people of many talents in our life to guide, support, and hear us as we walk along in this journey.  


This week I will marry my best friend....

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Choosing the Best Supplements

It seems like every day there is a new commercial or advertisement for the "Next Big Thing" in the world of supplements. A new formula that promises to help you lose weight, one that will cure your brain fog, one that will clear your skin from the inside out, and one that will remove all inflammation from your body. I'm not about to begin to list which of these supplements I think work and which ones I think are a scam, but I will tell you what *most* people are lacking in their bodies. Please note, this is strictly for your information. I do not prescribe or diagnose anything, you are encouraged to do your own research. 

The reality is, most Americans do not get the required amount of each vitamin and mineral needed for the body to operate at it's best. Even with a good multivitamin, we are often lacking in nutrients. Some of this is due to the severity of deficit, some is from the constant overuse of the vitamin or mineral, and some is due to the body's inability to absorb...

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How I became Purely You

My story starts when I was a young child. For as long as I can remember I could tell what other people were feeling. I knew where their hurts were and I was aware of when they weren’t being truthful or honest whether to me or to themselves. I remember hugging someone who was upset about something and feeling their pain. I remember praying for people when I was young and my hands getting hot in my palms as I did so. I thought all of these things were normal. I thought that is just what happened to everyone. It wasn’t until my teen years when I confided in my friends about these experiences that I realized this wasn’t normal for everyone. I quickly became insecure about it all and did everything I could to pretend like I was “normal.” I totally shut down the gifts I was given and lived in my logical brain as much as possible. In nursing school, we were exposed to alternative therapies in a few of my classes. We learned about Reiki, chiropractic...

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Grow and Evolve

Grow, learn, evolve... these are words I use often. But why on earth does it matter? I mean we all quit growing by the time we’re 20 (growing vertically anyway), learning stops after school is done, and evolving, well that just sounds a bit too “woo-woo” for comfort right? Wrong.  

You certainly have grown, learned and evolved since you finished school. Think about it, are you the same person now that you were when you were 18? Or 22? If you are, I’d love to work with you because I guarantee you, you’re unaware of how far you’ve come. If you’re not, then yes, you have grown and evolved. Congratulations! You did it!  
See, that is the problem... we stop celebrating growth after a certain age. Shoot, we start celebrating the growth and development of our babies in the womb. There are apps that give you weekly updates about how big your baby is and what has developed at this stage (arms, legs, hearing,...

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Healing Crystals

I have always loved rocks. For as long as I can remember I have been picking them up and carrying them around. As I got older, I began to realize that rocks or crystals have their own vibration. Their own energy. I love the idea that it took millions of years to form that crystal. That means it holds millions of years of wisdom. Like Grandmother Willow on Pocahontas, only MORE. Just like each cell and every emotion has a specific vibration, every type of crystal has its own vibration too. Some of them have a vibration that is useful for healing a particular ailment. I have used crystals in my sessions for years and find them to be a wonderful tool with some clients. I am almost always wearing a crystal or stone in my jewelry and have them placed all over the house-partly because I just love rocks, but also because they serve a purpose.  

There are way more crystals in the world than I could even begin to know, understand and share with you. But there are a few...

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Let Go and Let God

Have you ever heard the phrase, “let go and let God?” I used to hate it. “What does that even mean?” I’d ask myself. It took a while before I understood. Here’s the thing. So much of what happens in our life is out of our control. There are so many moving parts to this journey we’re on and often times there is a domino effect to each decision or change of plans. We’ll talk about the butterfly effect someday, but this is a different conversation. This is about the idea of control. The idea that you must control all things in your life for it to turn out the way you imagine. Here’s a secret... You cannot control everything. Often times, when we begin to feel out of control, we start to feel the NEED to micromanage or control EVERYTHING within our power. Ever catch yourself trying to make your spouse change clothes for no particular reason or all of a sudden being annoyed by your child’s independence? Take a step back and make...

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Stay Grounded

Purely You Healing
Stay Grounded

Are you grounded? Sure, we’re all under quarantine for Covid-19 and not going anywhere, but that isn’t the kind of grounded I’m talking about. Let’s talk about grounding your energy. Another term sometimes used for this is called earthing. We know that we each have an energy system in our body. That system should be a complete circuit. Let’s think about an electrical circuit for a minute. We know that that circuit must be closed to allow for the proper flow of that current. We also know that if that circuit is broken, say a downed power line or a wire that has been chewed on by a mouse, the connection is lost and there may have even been some chaos that ensued. Maybe the cut power line is spraying sparks everywhere. Maybe you received a shock from the toaster, or a house fire was started. Electricity will always take the path of least resistance. So, when a circuit is broken electricity always searches out the fastest/easiest way to get to the ground....

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New Year's Resolutions?

Purely You Healing
New Year's Resolutions?

We’re three months into the year now and I’m willing to bet most of you have lost the passion for your New Year’s Resolution. You set a goal on January 1, 2020, to do something different. A majority of people set resolutions around their health; to either eat better, move more, get more sleep, quit smoking, etc. These are all great resolutions and great intentions to set for the year. The reality is that change is hard and old habits don’t go down easy. You must offer yourself some grace in this process, you are human and it’s okay to miss a day at the gym. It’s okay to sleep in one morning after a particularly long week. It’s okay to eat that piece of birthday cake with your grandpa. The important part is to start again the next day.

Here’s how I see it. A resolution is like a brand new relationship with someone. You make plans to go on a date and if it goes well you arrange a second date. It’s a new relationship, you...

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75% Complete

Here's my 5 easy steps to become Purely You!

Don't miss a thing! 

Continue to learn and grow through Purely You Healing!