Happy Nurse’s Day!
Today we celebrate all those who own the title, past, present a future.
Sometimes I get asked how I can be both a nurse and an intuitive healer. There's no easy answer; I tend to live a bit of a split life. Some days, I sit deep in my logical thinking brain, and other days, I turn my logic off and just trust my gut. Then there are days I get to do both. It’s a wild ride, but I love it anyway.
Being a nurse in the last year has led me to spend a little more time in that place of balance. Trusting what I know and still honoring my intuition. It’s been a year where nursing and other healthcare professionals have gotten more attention, both good and bad. It’s been a year where our stress levels have climbed even higher than normal and our staffing shortages, supply shortages, and budget shortages have been intensely exposed. It’s been a challenge, to say the least. This last year was something they never taught...
We are seeing so many shifts in our society right now. Shifts in inclusivity; shifts in how we use technology; shifts in how our kids receive their education; shifts in what social gatherings look like... Many things are shifting. Sometimes it’s uncomfortable to change. It’s uncomfortable to see new, to embrace new, to like new. However, it’s sitting in that discomfort that we grow and evolve. It’s how change becomes everlasting, not just in society but in us as individuals as well.
Throughout history, women have had to fight for equality and the same freedoms or rights that men have. For instance, the right to vote (Wyoming Territory, 1869. USA, 1920), the right to equal pay in the workplace (1963), right to obtain your own bank account without a man’s name on it (the 1960s, credit cards 1974), right to participate in education and school-sponsored extra circulars: Title IX (1972), right to take birth control as an unmarried woman (1972),...
Social media is as wonderful as it is frustrating. Often, we joke about how grateful we are that Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok weren’t around when we were kids. Oh, the shenanigans we could have gotten into! Not to sound too cliche here, but times are a-changin’! Obviously, technology has a big play in that. We are no longer waiting for snail mail letters and once a month phone calls to our family members. Dialing long distance is hardly a blip on the radar anymore. Getting film developed is a thing of the past. It’s all instant. Instant connection. Instant communication. Instantly shareable. Not just with family and friends, but the whole world, strangers included. Again, as wonderful as it is frustrating.
Do you know what else is changing? Social norms. Those things that once were not okay are beginning to become okay. Did you know in the 1960’s it was not okay for a belly button to show on TV? It’s true. Mary Ann and...
There is a quote that says something like, “Preach the gospel every day, and when necessary use words.” I love this as it is a great reminder that actions speak louder than words. Not just in a religious tradition, but in how we show up in the world. There is often some dispute between the way people act and the words they preach. So many tasks are easier said than done. Everyone has great intentions and poor execution. We all WANT things to be different, but very few people do the work to create a different life. There’s never any judgment here, but what a great opportunity for some self-reflection.
My mom always used to tell me, “do as I say, not as I do” anytime she was going against her own teachings. “Don’t cross your legs like that, it’s bad for your circulation and your hips” “Don’t drink pop, it’s a hard addiction to break” “Don’t stay up too late, you need your...
Before you start spring cleaning, let’s talk about how “clean” your products are. You probably don’t even realize that you are exposed to so many different chemicals every day, like in the ballpark of 168 chemicals every day. And you likely don’t think about it at all as you’re getting ready for the day. But did you know the average woman uses 12 different products on her hair/body daily (some sources report more, even up to 30)? Did you know that each of those products could contain ingredients that lead to hormone disruption in the body? We’re not just talking about sex hormones that affect your cycle, but your thyroid, your sleep/wake cycles, your insulin, etc. All of these perfect processes in your body can be disrupted by the chemicals you are exposed to in your day-to-day life. At one point, I trusted that the products on the shelves were safe for me to use. They must be tested if they are available at the store, right? Not entirely....
Can you believe it’s been a year? A year since our world shut down and everything started to look different?
I’m not here to talk the politics of it all, the policies, the economy, or what’s right or wrong. Let’s get a little deeper than that. By now we realize we are living amongst some very historical moments. Things that will be the stories you tell your grandchildren or great-grandchildren. Maybe you laugh a little about the toilet paper shortage, maybe you cry a little about the deaths that occurred… and maybe you admit that this last year changed you.
You’ve realized the big picture change in the country and in our world, but have you seen the big picture change in yourself? Have you taken the time to reflect on everything that happened and how you’re different because of this time in history that we get to be a part of.
I am blessed that the impact of Covid-19 was not as severe as it could have...
Did you know March is endometriosis awareness month? Sure thing. This begs the question, do you know what endometriosis is?
Endometriosis is a condition where cells similar to the endometrial tissue inside of the uterus, grow on the outside the uterus. Usually, this just affects organs in the pelvic cavity, but in rare cases, it can extend beyond and into other parts of the body. These cells function just like the cells inside of the uterus, thickening, breaking down, and bleeding in sync with your cycle. Since these cells grow in places they don’t belong, there’s no way for the body to release the excess cells. The body treats them as foreign, and scar tissue is created from the body’s response. That scar tissue and adhesions can lead to quite painful experiences and side effects, such as increased cramping, pelvic pain, infertility, pain with sex, constipation, or bladder issues, heavy bleeding, and/or anemia. There is not one defined cause and there is still...
Remember when we talked about vibrations and frequency? How emotions like love, happiness, and joy have a higher vibration than grief, anger, fear, and hate? Let’s consider a different set of frequencies for a minute. Remember those days before Sirius XM and being able to carry the worldwide web in your pocket? If you wanted to listen to a particular type of music you spun a dial on the radio until you landed on the right frequency to tune into that station. The beauty of this is that because you were on a specific frequency, you only heard what was playing on that frequency. There are a million different sound waves floating around all the time, but you only hear the ones you’re tuned in to. We don’t hear the conversation of the pilots above us, you don’t hear the walkie-talkie conversations between law enforcement. We are unaware of the sound waves between employees at a retail store or a phone conversation the neighbor is having. All of these sound waves...
Do you deserve peace? Happiness? Joy? Love? Financial freedom? Health? Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes. You absolutely do. Some would even say this is your birthright. You might even be willing to fight for it or support those that do. Do you support the American Military that fights to keep our country free? Do you support groups that encourage more love in our schools like an anti-bullying campaign? Do you support scholarship funds that help people pay for college? I’m sure at one point or another you have supported many causes that encourage these values. Now I ask you again, do you think you’re deserving of the same values? This is a yes or no answer. Not a yes/no BUT... answer. There’s no but’s here.
One of the hardest parts about being on this journey to your best self is thinking everyone else deserves to get there before you do. Everyone else deserves a little easier go at life than you do. You will support other people the best you can and in...
Growing up there were a couple of sitcoms we watched as a family (back when TV was a little more family-friendly) that often referred to anger management techniques. The two I remember the most were the rubber band on the wrist, to be snapped during moments of anger, and the “close your eyes and count to 10 before responding rule.” I feel like these things were mentioned often on TV, but maybe they were just techniques that stood out to me so I remembered them… either way, this conversation is more about that choice to respond differently. The decision to snap the rubber band, or count to ten before responding is a conscious choice that affects the outcome. In a big way.
In every interaction you partake in, you have the ability to choose how you will respond to the situation. There are SO many human emotions, your options are truly endless. The question becomes, what does this response create in my life? See if you respond with a low vibration energy (read...
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